Sunday 29 May 2016

Becoming gardeners

I am going to plant some flowers and vegetables. Me and my dad went to Jeff's house and got vegetables. we went in a green house to pick was very cold it was like winter in may. We went home and had hot coco. I watched "Tom and Jerry" on my mom phone. I had Rolo flavoured hot coco.

Over the weekend I was sick I got sick in April on Saturday. I got sick wile tacking a nap. At school I had to use three Kleenex's to clear me nose. Teagan  was amazed by the sound

My weekend

On Friday I had two swimming classes. I had one during school, which I did with my class mates. After school I had another class, where we did front stroke, back stroke, front flutter kick and back flutter kick. When I came home I saw my uncle. I was so happy to see him, but he had to leave Sunday night at 5:00 pm.

On Saturday I had my dance photos taken. I had to wake up at 6:00 am to get my hair and makeup done. My mom did my hair, and went to Spark camp. My sister did my makeup at the dance studio. At the studio I had my picture taken with my jazz, glee, tap and holiday production classes.

Monday 23 May 2016

My dance competitions

I dance competitive ballet. I did three competitions in the last few weeks. They were called Terpsichore, Candance and View Dance Challenge.

A lot of people came to compete and danced ballet, hip hop, tap, jazz and glee. My studio, Absolute Dance, sent a lot of dancers. My sister competed in  hip hop.

My dance was called "Be Mine, Butterfly". It is about a boy who wanted to catch butterflies but at the end the butterflies catch him in his net. We were a group of ten and I was a butterfly.

We won three awards - a High Excellence, a Platinum and a Gold.  I had a lot of fun!!!!!!

Wednesday 18 May 2016

My first camping trip ever

I woke up on Saturday to go to Brownie camp and our car didn't work. But it got fixed so I went to Camp Evergreen.

At the camp we did a low rope course. We stayed in a cabin. and  Eiman helped me get set up for bed. I had a book to take to read at Quiet Time. It's name was Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It was the first book. my sister had it and she let me have it.

In the evening we went to a campfire and sang songs. At night I could not sleep very well because somebody told a ghost story and I got scared. In the morning I woke up with my head hanging off the top of the top bunk.

For breakfast we had a lot of bacon, then we had archery with real arrows! After that we went rock climbing and rode ponies. My pony's name was Warner.

At our last meal everyone was crying because we did not want to leave. My mom and sister came and brought me home.