Sunday 11 March 2018

Peter Rabbit...The Movie

Hi! Today's post topic is pretty obvious, isn't it? Well, just in case you haven't figured it out yet, I am going to be talking about the movie, Peter Rabbit. I watched the movie with some of my friends from Girl Guides. It was a very funny film, even though there were some sad parts in it.


If you haven't watched Peter Rabbit, then this post contains spoilers!😲😲😲 So, please be aware of that.

Well, now that that's taken care of, I can talk about the main storyline of the film.  Peter and his family used to live in a burrow where it was easy to get food nearby, but then Mr. McGregor bought the land, built a house and garden, where lots of beautiful vegetables grew, and then closed it off with a gate!  As the food around them got over, Peter's family were hungry but they could not get anything from the garden which was full of things for them to eat.  😱

Peter's dad always told the children to not go into the garden but would always go in himself to get food for his family.  One day, Mr. McGregor caught Peter's dad and cooked him into a rabbit pie!  Peter was the oldest and inherited his father's blue jacket. This was one of the parts where I felt sad.

When their mother died, Peter became the head of the family, and he would usually do crazy things with his cousin Benjamin.  All of the plans involved sneaking into the garden and stealing vegetables.  Peter would also use his sisters to be lookouts for him while he got the food.   Mr. McGregor was always trying to catch Peter and eat another rabbit pie, but luckily his neighbour, Bea, was a very kind-hearted woman who loved the Rabbit family.  She always protected Peter and his siblings.  It wasn't very long into the movie when horrible Mr. McGregor died.  

So, that's how the movie began! My favourite parts of the movie were any scene that had the triplets in it; the doorknobs that were wired with electricity; and the slow-motion rabbit walk.  What were your favourite parts?  Tell me in the Comments, and we can talk more about them.

At the theatre today, I also saw trailers for some very cool movies that are going to come out...Sherlock Gnomes, The Grinch, Hotel Transylvania 3, and The Incredibles 2.  I can't wait to watch all of them.

Thanks for reading, remember to tell me your favourite parts of Peter Rabbit, and see you guys next week!

Bye!!!  👋👋👋       


Sunday 4 March 2018

Game On!

Hello! I am back for another post. This post is going to be about online games! You might have found that out by the name of today's post. In this post I will be talking about some websites that I love to play games on. There are 4 websites that I am going to talk about.

The first website is named Flipline Studios. This website only has Papa Louie Arcade games. The game that I am currently playing is named Papa Louie's Pastaria. A funny thing that I have noticed is that all of the Papa's games end in "ia"! 🤣 Pretty funny right? Now I think that it is time for me to give you a description of the game.

Customers come to the store and order a pasta dish. You then cook the pasta and make some brad on the side. You need to make sure that you add all of the toppings that they want. After you have made the dish you will be judged by the customer. That is really all there is to the game! So, on to next website!

The second website that I like playing games on is named Best Games.Com. The games they have on the website are pretty spectacular! The game that I play the most is called Piano Tiles! You guys might have already heard of this game but I will explain it anyway. Basically you need to tap the black tiles to play a song, the speed increases while you play.

If you hit the white tiles you lose the game, it is also a never-ending game! The highest score that I have gotten Is 108 points. I am not that good at this game.😐 This brings us to website number 3.

Website 3 is named Kizi.Com! There are a lot of different genres of games on Kizi. The game that I love to play on kizi is called Motor X3M! This game made me zone out! The game is a obstacle course that you go through while on a Motorcycle. The controls for this game are all of the arrows.

up arrow--- forward
down arrow--- breaks
right arrow--- tip right
left arrow--- tip left
See, the controls are easy peasy!😏 Now the last website!!

Website Cuatro (4) is Sleepy Arcade.Com. This website is amazing, the game that I love to play is Geometry Dash! In this game you need to jump over the gaps and spikes! 😲 To jump all you need to do is tap or press space to jump! This is the easiestt game that I have played on Sleepy Arcade.Com!

There isn't much more to talk about today, if you have any suggestions for websites I should visit please tell me in the Comments! Hope you enjoyed this post! See you next week! BYE!!!       

Mom, It's So Itchy!

Hi! Today's blog post is going to be about my competitive dance dress rehearsal. 🎵 A dress rehearsal is basically a run through of the whole dance, with costume and make up. This was my dance order schedule for rehearsal:

1. Happy Feet
2. Who Let The Frogs Out
3. Chase Is On The Case
4. Pool Patterns 
5. Finding My Chi 
next day
1. Think
You can probably tell that I was really tired after all that dancing! 💃=😑 (I made a emoji story!) Anyway back to the blog... Think is the tap solo that I talked about in my post titled Freedom(x3). 

I'm going to guess that you are thinking this: What type of dance goes with which title? 
Did I just read your mind?  Whether you thought that or not, I am going to tell you, anyway!

1. Happy Feet --- Tap
2. Who Let The Frogs Out --- Jazz
3. Chase Is On The Case --- Hip Hop
4. Pool Patterns --- Ballet
5. Finding My Chi --- Musical Theatre
6. Think --- Tap Solo

So now that you have your answer, it's time to tell you about the thing that is so itchy... The Costumes!

For Tap, we have a black and white penguin bodysuit with a bow tie, and black tights.
For Jazz, we have a green sparkly dress that has a necklace sewn onto it, and we also have beige tights.
For Hip Hop, we have brown baggy pants, a golden and white crop top, a blue sequined bomber jacket, a hat, and a collar.
For Ballet, we have an old-fashioned swimsuit and a swimming cap! It is so cute.
For Musical Theatre, we have a long white tank-top and a baggy black pair of overalls.
Finally, my favourite costume! For my solo, I have a sparkly top with black pants, fingerless gloves and a blue vest!  It also has a matching scrunchie.

With all these sparkly costumes, you can imagine how itchy the sequins are! In my solo, there is one move where I spin my head around, and my high ponytail braid spun around too, and looked so cool! Now that dress rehearsal is over, I am so excited to perform these dances in front of the judges with the rest of my team.  We have all been working very hard for quite a while now.

Before I end, here is a question for many competitions do you think I will be dancing in this year?  Please put your guess in the comments.

See you next week!🙈🙉