Sunday 16 April 2017

Destination Conservation Team

Two weeks ago on Monday, I went on a  Destination Conservation field trip. Destination Conservation is a team of students from different grades that think of ways to make their school green. My Destination Conservation team only has eight students. For the field trip we went to Beddington Elementary School. I had a super awesome time there.😃

At Beddington school we made name tags and settled in; then a woman gave us an enormous piece of paper.  On that paper we needed to write a short little song that had something to do with what our school did and our song is: 🎜 If you go down Barrett Drive you will see our compost bins. Do not throw you snack wrappers out. If we recycle everybody wins. Remember to reuse; the environment is for everyone. D-R-C-O-F-F-I-N(I-N); Dr Coffin cares.🎜

The second thing we did was to make a chart with these categories:  MAKE IT, MOVE IT, USE IT. and LOSE IT. My group was MAKE IT. We got an item and we had to figure out how it was made, by only looking at the ingredients.🍲

The last thing we did was plan what we will do next.  Then we  made waste-less lunches and also made an antibacterial soap spray. We went back to our school on the Dream Wagon, which is what the bus was called.🚌


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