Sunday 21 January 2018

Winter Carnival

This blog post is going to be about the Winter Carnival.  This is an event that takes place at my before and after school care every year, either in January or Febuary. This is a fundraiser for the 9-12's Club. My out of school care is for kids from Grades K-6. The kids from Grades K-3 are called The Chinchillas, and those of us in Grades 4-6 are part of the 9-12s Club. That is because the kids who are in Grades 4-6 are between the ages of 9 and 12! 

This year the Winter Carnival is on January 26th. As the name suggests, the games need to be winter themed, such as snowflakes, snowmen and penguins. The carnival is put on by the 9-12s for The Chinchillas.

This is the way the event works...the younger children bring dimes and play games. Each game costs 1 dime and they can play as many times as they want but only if they go to the back of the line. When they get back to the front of the line and it's their turn, they need to pay 1 dime again to play. A person can also go to other games and then come back. Each time they play, they get tickets (maximum of 8 tickets per game).  At the end of the carnival, The Chinchillas can redeem the tickets for prizes.

Each person in the 9-12s Club does not have to come up with a game but he or she is encouraged to do so. This is because if they do not make up a game, they cannot have a say in what the collected money is used for. I seems harsh...but fair!

I haven't completely decided yet what my is going to be but it will involve a penguin, fish, buckets and throwing!

I am so incredibly excited about the Winter Carnival. I remember when I was a Chinchilla and played at the Winter Carnival. It was so much fun; my favorite part was the bouncy castle! (gaaaaaaaaassssssssp) I didn't tell you about the bouncy castle! The leader for the 9-12s Club orders a bouncy castle but sets it up himself. I also loved playing the games. The game that I was best at was finding the snowflake hidden under cups. Over the years when I was a Chinchilla, I used my tickets to get yo-yos, candies and a whoopee cushion!

I really hope The Chinchillas like my game!

If you have any suggestions for a game for next year, please, please please tell me in the comments.


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