Sunday 7 January 2018

Santa Came!!!!! Santa Came!!!!!!!!

HELLO!!!!!! You can probably guess what this blog post is going to be about. (hint: it's about Christmas)
I am going to be telling you what presents I received because I got a lot of cool stuff! First I'm going to tell you what I got in my stocking.🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁

                WHAT'S IN MY STOCKING????????? 
(I only got two things) 

1. I got a Minecraft game play on the PC 
2. I got sugar cookie mix inside of a jar decorated as a snowman

Just in case you don't know what Minecraft is, it is a game where you mine for gold, diamonds, coal, redstone, lapis and more, with which you craft items. Hence the name Minecraft. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ There are two ways to play Minecraft! You can play it in Creative mode where you cannot die and you can search for itams. You can also play Survival mode where you can die and have Monsters or Moobs chasing you. moobs is another name for Monsters.

Minecraft on the PC is really easy to play, to move forward all you need to do is press W, if you want to move backward just press S. See, even a kid can play it (and she does 🀣🀣🀣🀣).

I am going to tell you more about Minecraft in a future post!!! I will also talk about my Minecraft hero Stampylongnose  πŸ˜ΊπŸ˜ΊπŸ˜Ί.

Now I think it's time that I tell you about the present that Santa got me!! I only got one present but I think it is awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!


A SKATEBOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so happy when I saw the skateboard. I literally slammed my head on the floor (not really slam) and then I picked up the skateboard and I said "YAY".
My skateboard has different coloured wheels! Red, Blue, Yellow and green. The actual board is Black, my favorite colour. My skateboard is a shortboard, it also has a kicktail. A kicktail has a few purposes, one is that if you put your weight on it, it will stop. Another purpose is you can use it to do tricks. You can do tricks by leaning a little bit back on the kicktail and keep going!! Pretty cool, right?

In the summer I am planing to start riding my skateboard! My sister has ridden one before so I am thinking she can help me. I am planing to go to the park and just ride in the basketball court. I am really excited to ride my skateboard!!!!! I wonder if any of my friends have skateboards. If they do maybe we can ride together!πŸ‘§πŸ‘§   

I really wanted a Nintendo Switch, but I did not get it probably because it was too hard for Santa's elves to make.πŸ˜“ 

I hope you had a jolly Christmas too!!! If you don't celebrate Christmas then I hope you had a really relaxing winter break!

                   Tell me in the comments your favorite Christmas gift!!!!!! (HARD ONE, ISN'T IT)

BYE!!!! HAVE GREAT 2018!!!!!



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