Sunday 5 June 2016

Julia's Birthday Party

Today my classmate Julia had a birthday party. She became 8 years old.

It was at an indoor playground called Tree House. It took some time to get to the party. All my friends were there.

It was really fun. We had a bouncy house! I did a front flip on the bouncy house. Haotian was so surprised when I did that. She tried and landed on her belly! We also had a lot of slides!! 

We had pizza for lunch, sang "Happy Birthday" and had cake!!!  

Before the party, I went to my mom's school walk. Some of the teachers and students went walking. They walked for donations to help the poor people.

My mom and I could not walk because we had to get to the birthday party. But I got a new Maria Montessori t-shirt. Yay!

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