Wednesday 27 July 2016

The Pond in our Backyard

This week we started to make a pond. We are still working on it but we are almost done. So far we have dug up the pond, put a plastic sheet, filled the pond with dirt, put another plastic sheet, filled the pond with water, put an outline of stones, and cut the extra plastic. It only took a few days and today my dad is going to a shop to get some plants to plant around the pond. He will get some plants that grow around ponds.

I was helping him a lot and I got him lemonade and kept him company. I also collected some rocks so it was easier to pull back the soil so there is more room for more. I even carried some stones to give to my dad and he put them in their spot. My dad is going to put a pump behind the stones and make water come out of the cracks in-between the stones.

My dad worked for hours and hours. I gave him three glasses of lemonade on really hot days. I felt really bad for him because he did all of this work on his summer vacation.

I hope that some creatures like birds, frogs and insects will come and stay at the pond.

Friday 15 July 2016

A trip to Calaway Park

On the 9th of July my dad and I went to Calaway Park. It is a fun place where families go to have fun. It was so much fun, but when we had reached  we had to stay in the car until 9:00 to go inside. Then we had to stay still for 5 min while the park was opening and a clock had a count down.

Then we got to play some games. I really liked the Log Ride and the Dream Machine. In the first, you ride a log and splash into the water when you go downhill. On the second one, you are on a seat and you spin in circles and you feel funny.

I rode almost all the rides by myself because I was tall enough. I even went on the Tower of Power. It is a ride that gives you a great view of the park and comes down really fast and stops right when you think you are going to crash and fall on the ground.

At lunch we went on a train ride to see all of the park. It made me feel so nice. After that it got so hot I felt like a hot fire and as we went to the Airplane Ride my dad stayed in the shade the whole time.

We could not do all the rides because we did not have time. After a while we went to my Mom's school to pick her up and went home.  I was so tired that I fell asleep in the car.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

The special 8th birthday party

On July 2nd  I had my 8th birthday party. I couldn't have my birthday party on the 7th of July because my mom has work and I was a bit sad that we couldn't have the party on my real birthday like last year. But I had an awesome time.

About 15 of my classmates came to the party. At 12;00 we went to the drive way and played with some side walk chalk. My friend Alana drew a great dragon in blue. Then we went to the park for a bit.
We had a slip-n-slide. It was cool doing that. We did it outside.We also had some snacks to have if we got hungry while riding on the slip-n-slide. We ate some chips and fruit with chocolate dip.

 I dumped three buckets of ice cold water on my head with one of my classmates named David. It was so awesome. David even tried to refill his bucket with water drops from his head! I looked at him with a weird look on my face because it was so crazy.

After that we had we had some burgers and hot dogs. Then we went inside to get a slice of cake. It was a chocolate cake and not an ice cream cake like last year because we couldn't get one. If didn't want cake, we could have ice cream.

We went outside to eat the cake. I sat in the corner of the deck with David. I had some lemonade water to drink and chatted with Eiman and Teagan. David and I wished our friend Evelyn could come but she had to go to her grandpa's birthday party. Her grandpa is 90 years old now.