Sunday 1 January 2017

Christmas day

On Christmas day I woke up at 7:00am. I woke  everyone up by yelling "It's Christmas" over and over again. When everyone was awake we started opening presents by looking in our stockings first. In my stocking my favorite thing was a packet biscuits from India. I also loved the chocolates that were in my stocking. One of my favorite presents was a black note book. I also like my new Absolute Dance sweat shirt Santa gave me.

The presents were in a cool order. The ones in the candy cane wrapping paper were my uncle's. The presents in the striped wrapping paper were my sister's. The presents in the igloos were my dad's. My mom's were wrapped in the snowmen were my mom's and the presents in the polar bear and penguins were mine. I think that is a really cool way to sort presents. In my biggest box were the black boots I wanted. They were not Uggs, but they were cool. I wore my new boots the first day I went out somewhere after Christmas.

On Christmas I got an advent calendar so I started eating the chocolates on Christmas and shall keep going throughout January. On my advent calendar each little piece of chocolate has a picture on it. On my first chocolate there was a flower and on my second one there was a Christmas tree. Everyday I eat one chocolate. I haven't had one today yet but I will soon. One of my favorite pictures on a chocolate was a fish.

I loved my Christmas so much. I can hardly wait until the next one. I know it is a year away but I just love Christmas a lot. I hope you really enjoyed your Christmas as much as I did and if you don't celebrate Christmas I hope had a awesome day and I hope you all enjoy your break off work and school.        

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