Monday 20 February 2017

Family Day Weekend

During my Family Day weekend I did two things. The first thing that I did was that my family and I went to IHOP on Saturday. IHOP is a restaurant and you can order some really good food. The food there is really filling.  It was so filling that I couldn't finish a bowl of Mac and Cheese! IHOP also has really yummy milkshakes. I had a vanilla milkshake and so did my sister. My mom had a chocolate milkshake. IHOP was so busy!  There seemed like there were 100 people there!

When we were going to leave my sister and I donated some money to a foundation to help children and we got to write our names on a balloon. The staff at IHOP will pin the balloon on the wall. The wall allows them to put push pins in it. Then when we come back we will be able to see the balloon we wrote on and other balloons like ours. I think that it is really cool that people can write their names and others can see who donated money. I really liked IHOP and I hope that we can go back there.

The second thing I did was go to Flying Squirrel today. It was so awesome!!  I loved it!! The place had trampolines, foam pits, arcade games and a rope swing. There was also a dodgeball court, and a ninja obstacle course. There is a candy machine and a place where you can buy food. There are a lot of rules to follow so you need to pay attention to the TV that shows you all the rules during the long wait to pay and get in.

I did all the stuff with my sister and we took videos of me doing tricks and flips. Then we sent them to my mom's phone. My sister gave me challenges to do and I did all of them right! It was so amazing that I can't wait until Good Friday because that is when we are going to go back to Flying Squirrel.



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