Monday 28 August 2017

Tin Foil Boat

This week has been a lot of getting organized and cleaning out things I don't need.  School starts next week and my back to school shopping is done.  I've got all my supplies and my new backpack is ready to go.

I didn't really go out and do anything this week, but I did recycle the tin foil inside a chocolate wrapper to make a craft.  Over the last year, I've learnt a lot of things about taking care of the environment and how important it is to reduce waste, reuse something, and recycle.

I also learned how to write out the steps to a science activity, so I am going to tell you how I made the boat by writing it out properly.


Tin foil
Blue construction paper


1.  Cut as much foil as you need to make your boat.  The size of the boat will depend on how much foil you use.  Shape the foil so that it looks like a boat, with a flat bottom and points at the sides.
2.  Crumple any extra foil into small many as you want.
3.  Place the foil balls inside the boat (these are the people).
4.  Cut out a rectangle from the cardboard.
5.  Cut out a rectangle from the construction paper that is the same size as the cardboard rectangle.
6.  Tape the two rectangles together.
7.  Attach the bottom of the boat onto the blue side (this makes it look like the boat is in the water).

It's a very simple craft but fun to do and quick and easy as well.  If you want, you can have many boats on a big piece of water.

Crafts are fun to do and are not just for little children.  I like doing crafts because it makes me think to make something pretty and I can decide what I want it to look like.  We use a lot of crafts and things that we make to help us learn things in Social Studies, Math, and Science.

I can't wait to go back to school...can you tell?

Sunday 20 August 2017

Let's Just Say I'm The Boss

It's been a slow and lazy week, and I've been doing nothing!  It feels great to be able to do nothing during the summer.  Once September comes around, I'll become very busy again.

Every year, the community that I live in puts on an outdoor event called Movie in the Park.  I've been going to it for a couple of years and it's fun.  A HUGE screen is set up and families bring chairs, blankets, and snacks, and we get to see a movie.  In previous years, I've watched Home and Zootopia at this event.

Yesterday was Movie in the Park for this summer and I went with my mom.  This year, the movie that they showed was The Boss Baby.  It is a really funny movie and there were many parts where I was laughing out loud.

The Boss Baby is about a baby that is a manager at the baby factory.  Adults have started loving puppies more than babies, and the boss baby is sent to investigate and stop the adults from giving all their love to the dogs.  If that happens, then the baby factory will go out of business.

Mom and I had to take our folding chairs and blankets, as it was quite cold and windy.  I ended up wearing a sweater, toque, Snuggie, and had two blankets around me, to keep me warm and cozy.  We also took snacks to eat.  There was popcorn, cheese, cheese buns, water, and juice.  Yummy!  I ate quite a bit of everything!

There were quite a few people there already when we arrived at the field, but we found a good spot and the screen was so big, that people who came after us and sat behind us, were still able to see.  Although it was chilly, a lot of families were there and many more kids.

The movie ended quite late and it was beautiful to see all the stars in the sky.  At the end of the event, everyone quickly packed up their stuff so that they could get back to their warm homes.  Even though we live very close to the field where the event was happening, Mom had brought the car, and that was a good thing because it was freezing by then.

The Movie in the Park event is the last thing that the community puts together for the summer and it lets people know that school will start soon.  I'm actually happy that school will begin in two weeks...I can't wait to see my teacher and friends.

I wonder what movie I'll get to see next year...


Sunday 13 August 2017

Taste Of Calgary

Today my sister,mom and I went to Eau Claire Market, in Calgary. There were a lot of food stands and food trucks. We went to a food truck to get some butter chicken with rice and the food truck was called Kurry Up. We were going to the wading pool but before that we got some ice cream. They were not popsicles; they were Mini Melts!

The wading pool looked like a normal swimming pool except that the water was really shallow.  There was also a playground on the other side of the pool. There were two separate pools with different water temperatures.  I stepped into one pool and it was freezing!!!!! I started to walk around in the pool but it was so cold that it was making my legs burn.  Then I tried to sit down in the water but it took a while to sit down completely. Once I did, I started to swim a bit. It was very shallow so my hands were on the bottom and my tummy almost touched the bottom, too. My tummy was skinning the floor of the pool. I swam for a long time and then went into the second pool. This pool was warm. It had the same depth as the first pool. More kids were in the warm pool. I swam for a long time and went back to my sister. My mom had gone to get more samples of food for my sister and myself.  I went back to the cold pool and swam just for a little bit, and  then got changed because it was quite windy and overcast. After I got changed, I had my butter chicken and ice cream.

There were so many food stands and food trucks that it was impossible to eat from all of them.  We picked and chose and this is what we ended up eating:

Me - butter chicken with rice, vanilla Mini Melts, chow mein with chicken balls and ginger beef (I gave the ginger beef to my sister), chicken spring roll, mac and cheese with bacon.

My sister - butter chicken with rice, cookies and cream Mini Melts, chow mein with chicken balls and ginger beef, mac and cheese, poutine, coco churros with caramel filling.

Everything was a small portion but even then it was a lot of food.  We ended up bringing half of it home and ate it for dinner.

As we were leaving the market, it started to rain.  Our car was parked two blocks away and we had to speed walk all the way, but it was still a fun day.

Taste of Calgary happens every year, in the summer...we're going to go back next summer and I can't wait!!!!!              

Sunday 6 August 2017

Summer Television

Hi! It's been a very slow week, so I am just going to write about the shows I have been watching on tv.

The first show is called, "Total Drama Island".  It is just like "Survivor", except that it is a cartoon.   "Total Drama Island" is a show where teams go through a series of challenges that tests them both physically and mentally. The teams are Team Bear and Team Dolphin. Whichever team lost a challenge, they would have to go to an elimination ceremony, where they have to vote a team member off the island.

The second show is called,  "American Ninja Warrior".  In that show, people go through a series of obstacles. First they will have to train and then be invited to be on the show. First they will go through Qualifiers. If they pass they will go to The City Finals. If they finish that, they will go to Vegas to compete in the finals. Whoever wins the competition will be crowned American Ninja Warrior.

The third show is called, "Master Chef"and this show is about 24 home cooks going head-to-head in a battle to be crowned Master Chef. There are two types of challenges.  In the Mystery Box Challenge, the contestants will have to use whatever ingredients are in a randomly chosen box, to cook a stunning dish that will impress the judges.  The winner gets an advantage in the competition.  There is also a team challenge.  Here, the cooks are divided into two teams and they cook against each other.  The winning team is safe and the losing team has to go through a pressure test.  At the end of this test, someone will be going home...dun, dun, duuuuuun!

The fourth show is called, "America's Got Talent".  People come from all over the country to show off their talents, like singing or dancing.  If the judges don't like the act, they hit a buzzer, and your journey ends.  If the judges press the golden buzzer, that means they love you and you go straight to the finals.

The fifth show is called, "Amazing Race Canada".  I really like this show because of all the travelling that they do.  The tasks and challenges are quite hard but fun to watch.  At the end of each leg, one team gets eliminated and goes home.  I felt really sad whenever a team that I liked had to go home.

The last show is called, "World of Dance" and it is my favourite show. There are so many wonderful dancers and they are all amazing.  I am also a dancer and I like to watch them and pick up tips and tricks from them.

These are the shows that I am watching over my summer vacation.  I don't want to give away too much about the shows because then it would be spoilers.  I really hope that you will also watch these shows because they are all very good and entertaining.

See you next week, and happy watching tv!!!!!