Sunday 17 December 2017

Santa Claus is Coming To Town

I LOVE Christmas! Some of the things that I like about Christmas is being able to sleep in (I'm sure a lot of people can agree). I also like waking up on Christmas morning and seeing all of the presents. I know that Christmas is not about the presents, I just get really excited!😆😆😆 Christmas is all about spending time with your family and friends.

One more thing that I like about Christmas is the magic of SANTA CLAUS!!!!
Santa is awesome!!  One Christmas Eve I could swear that I heard Santa's sleigh bells.🔔🔔🔔

I love Christmas carols. My favorite one is Six White Boomers. Which Christmas carol is your favorite? Tell me in the comments, if you do not celebrate Christmas tell me your favorite part of the winter break.

My family is really in the Christmas spirit. We put up lights, decorations and we also put up two Christmas trees! One is downstairs in out dining room and one upstairs in our bonus room. Both of them have a lot of ornaments. We even put tiny presents on our reading area plate!

  Hope you have a merry Christmas and if you do not celebrate Christmas have a safe and warm winter break! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 10 December 2017

I am In Grade 4 and Now Grade 2!!

WHAT!! How can you be in grade 4 and 2? Let me tell you how.

I am in grade 4 at school and I also had my ballet grade 2 exam on December 6th. The exam was very exciting, but nerve racking at the same time. We had to perform exercises to get marks. We had to get a 50 or higher to pass. I don't know if I passed yet, but I will know in February and that is making me nervous. (WHAT IF I DIDN'T PASS!) I do think that I did pass because I did really well on all of the exercises.💃

We also had to do two dances. The names of the Dances were Dance A and Dance C. Dance A was about a person who had never seen snow before. (bet they don't live in Calgary 😆😆😆) Dance C is about a person who wants to plant a garden.

We had coloured bows in our hair and a number on our bodysuits. I was number 1 and I had a pink bow in my hair. The examiner's name was Mrs. Lackner. Our piano accompanist was Ms. Carla. Something funny that happened was that Ms. Carla's music binder fell off the piano while my friend was dancing!!!!😆

I can't wait to.......start grade 2 ballet. Classes start tomorrow! Most of my friends took the exam and are starting grade 2 with me. I won't see my other friends in class but we will meet in other classes. I am really looking forward to seeing the results of my exam. I hope I did well!

 P.S There's only 2 weeks and one day until Christmas! Today the chocolate in my advent calendar was a tiny Santa which was inside the belly of a snowman picture. BYE!!!!!!!!   

Sunday 3 December 2017

Herald The Seahorse

Last Week my dance studio put on a show. The show was The Little Mermaid. I was Herald the Seahorse. Herald is King Triton's helper. My costume was vary cute. It had a Seahorse head and a really bright neon dress. I was in scenes 2,9,13,18 and 19 the names of the scenes were:

2-Daughters of Triton
9-Under The Sea
13-On Land
18-Ariel Left Behind 
19-Interrupted Wedding 

I was in my Herald coutume for scenes 2,18 and 19.🐚 Under The Sea was the most tiring scene because we had to sing as well as dance. In scene 19 I had to pretend that King Triton was hurt, it was very hard because I could see him right there and he was okay. I am going to tell you what different animals I was during the show.

The animals I played in the different scenes 

I was the only one in a Seahorse costume because I was a character. My sister was also in the show. She was part of the singing group.

 My dad came to watch. He was right in the front row. During the show I could not see him.👀 My mom was backstage, helping the grades 1-3s and the 4-6 year olds. There were 2 shows, one from 2;00pm to 3:15pm and the second  from 4:00pm to 5:15pm. Both shows were an hour and 15 minutes long.

That is all I have to say for today! Hope you enjoyed the blog and tell me in the comments which song from The Little Mermaid is your favorite. Bye!!!!!!!