Sunday 3 December 2017

Herald The Seahorse

Last Week my dance studio put on a show. The show was The Little Mermaid. I was Herald the Seahorse. Herald is King Triton's helper. My costume was vary cute. It had a Seahorse head and a really bright neon dress. I was in scenes 2,9,13,18 and 19 the names of the scenes were:

2-Daughters of Triton
9-Under The Sea
13-On Land
18-Ariel Left Behind 
19-Interrupted Wedding 

I was in my Herald coutume for scenes 2,18 and 19.🐚 Under The Sea was the most tiring scene because we had to sing as well as dance. In scene 19 I had to pretend that King Triton was hurt, it was very hard because I could see him right there and he was okay. I am going to tell you what different animals I was during the show.

The animals I played in the different scenes 

I was the only one in a Seahorse costume because I was a character. My sister was also in the show. She was part of the singing group.

 My dad came to watch. He was right in the front row. During the show I could not see him.👀 My mom was backstage, helping the grades 1-3s and the 4-6 year olds. There were 2 shows, one from 2;00pm to 3:15pm and the second  from 4:00pm to 5:15pm. Both shows were an hour and 15 minutes long.

That is all I have to say for today! Hope you enjoyed the blog and tell me in the comments which song from The Little Mermaid is your favorite. Bye!!!!!!!

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