Sunday 17 December 2017

Santa Claus is Coming To Town

I LOVE Christmas! Some of the things that I like about Christmas is being able to sleep in (I'm sure a lot of people can agree). I also like waking up on Christmas morning and seeing all of the presents. I know that Christmas is not about the presents, I just get really excited!😆😆😆 Christmas is all about spending time with your family and friends.

One more thing that I like about Christmas is the magic of SANTA CLAUS!!!!
Santa is awesome!!  One Christmas Eve I could swear that I heard Santa's sleigh bells.🔔🔔🔔

I love Christmas carols. My favorite one is Six White Boomers. Which Christmas carol is your favorite? Tell me in the comments, if you do not celebrate Christmas tell me your favorite part of the winter break.

My family is really in the Christmas spirit. We put up lights, decorations and we also put up two Christmas trees! One is downstairs in out dining room and one upstairs in our bonus room. Both of them have a lot of ornaments. We even put tiny presents on our reading area plate!

  Hope you have a merry Christmas and if you do not celebrate Christmas have a safe and warm winter break! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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