Monday 25 September 2017

The Winners Of Family Bingo

Four days ago my school had a Welcome Back BBQ. It was so much fun. Apart from all the burgers, hotdogs, and other yummy food and desserts, there were some games that we could play.  I hung out with my friend and we played two games.

Game one: In game one we had to guess the number of jelly   beans in the jar. After we did that we had to guess how many jelly  beans were  green.  This is because my school is a 'green' school.  This means that we take care of the environment and we have also as a school adopted a park that is nearby.   I guessed there were 100 jelly beans and 20 of them were green. I was way off!  The next day I found out that there must have been about 300 of them!

Game two:  This game was a type of bingo game that you had to play on your own.  There was a sheet made up like a bingo grid with questions written on then and you needed to go around the school and ask the different families the questions.  When you got a correct answer, you had to write their surname.  For example:  The question is 'Do you have a dog?'.  You choose a family and ask them that.  If they have a dog, you write that family's surname.  If they don't have a dog, you ask another family until you find one that has a dog.  This game was supposed to get people to talk to each other and get to know each other.  The next day I found out that there were two winners for the bingo game and it was me and my friend because we were the only ones who played ðŸ˜†.  Everyone must have been too busy eating!  I was very glad to get a gift card to Dairy Queen.

Usually for the bbq a man dressed up as Elvis comes to sing, but this year there was no Elvis.  Instead, our new music teacher played with his friend.  They are both part of a cool is music teacher plays and sings in a band!!!!!!!  I didn't know any of the songs that he was singing but it sounded good.

My mom was helping organize the bbq and I helped her clean up along with some other people.  We got to take the leftovers home!  The bbq was a lot of fun and there are going to be more events in the school year.


Sunday 17 September 2017

School Has Started...Finally

This blog post is about the first day of school.  The first day of school is always so exciting and also very busy. When I got to school I did not go to class straight away but I went to the Before and After School Care that is at my school.  I went there because my school starts a 8:40am and I got to school at about 7:40am. The staff put out cereal and toast for breakfast that day.   I always eat breakfast there with my friends. At 8:15 we clean up and go outside to play until it is time to go in.

We come inside at 8:40 and we go to class. In class we take down our chairs and sit quietly. When our teacher came in she did attendance and gave us our school supplies. We got pencils, erasers, a sharpener and highlighters. We got a pink highlighter, a yellow highlighter, a green highlighter, a blue highlighter and a purple highlighter. I already had all the stuff from when I went back to school shopping, but it was good to have extras of everything.

After we got our supplies we got our desk drawers. We but our drawers in the drawer slot and waited for our teacher to go over the rules. There are a lot of rules but I am going to tell you 5.


  1. Raise your hand if you want to speak.
  2.  ALWAYS tell an adult where you are going.
  3. Walk in the school.
  4. Be respectful to others and your surroundings.
  5. Speak with an inside voice.
For the rest of the day we talked about our summer and went over the plan for the year and goals for the next few months.  I am so exited for this year. It will be amazing!      

Sunday 10 September 2017

My First Sleepover

On Friday, I had my first sleepover.  It started out as a play date but soon the plans changed because my friend and I hadn't seen each other all summer and we wanted to play for a longer time.

My school has early dismissal on Fridays, so as soon as the bell rang, we ran to our hooks and got our backpacks.  My friend's mom came to pick us up and when we got to her house, we played for about an hour and a half, and then had lunch.  We had grilled cheese sandwiches. After we ate, we went to a splash park that was nearby. At the splash park, we met some of our other friends from school. We splashed around for a bit and then went to the playground.

At the playground we went on the slides and did the monkey bars. The monkey bars were very high. It took me a while but I finally did it. We kept going back and forth between the splash park and the playground. On the swings at the playground my flip flops fell off and my friends were trying to get them back on my feet while I was swinging.😆 It was so funny.

Back at my friend's house, I met her cousin. She was also sleeping over. The three of us played in the backyard and on the trampoline until dinner. After we ate we watched the movie Frozen. When we finished we cleaned up and got ready for bed.  Of course, there was a lot of talking and laughing until we finally fell asleep.  We woke up early on Saturday and there was more talking and laughing until breakfast. We played on the trampoline some more but this time the sprinkler was on underneath us.

I had so much fun at the sleepover but I was really happy to see my mom when she picked me up.  I missed my family so much.  Now that I know I can stay away from home okay, I can't wait for my next sleepover.      

Thursday 7 September 2017

Alarm Set To 6:00am

It is the last day of summer! Yay! I mean whaaat?. I am so excited to go back to school and I am going to tell you what I have packed in my school bag. So, in the main pocket, I have my binder. It isn't full of paper like you would expect but it is full of notebooks. I could put the notebooks in there because they have holes to match the binder rings.  In there I also have my pencil case with pencils and pens and stuff like that. I also have a spare hat,scarf and gloves in case it gets cold.  The weather in Calgary can change from hour to hour and it is good to be prepared.

In the front pocket I have lotion and lip balm. I have lotion because the weather is really dry right now and it can get worse, especially when it is cold outside. I also have three flavored lip balms...Watermelon, Pomegranate and Blue raspberry. I collected these lip balms from my check ups at the dentist.

I already have a routine to get ready for school. My alarm rings at 6:00am every morning. I try to keep my clothes ready the night before, but sometimes I come home late from an activity and I'm too tired so I have to do it in the morning. It's my job to wake my sister up gently with hugs and kisses.  She likes school but she does not like to wake up in the mornings.  Once I am ready, it's time to leave.

This last week of summer vacation, I didn't really go out anywhere.  It's been very hot and there is a lot of smoke in the air because of the wild fires.  I keep packing and unpacking my backpack!  I love going to school and can't wait to tell you all about my first week back.