Monday 25 September 2017

The Winners Of Family Bingo

Four days ago my school had a Welcome Back BBQ. It was so much fun. Apart from all the burgers, hotdogs, and other yummy food and desserts, there were some games that we could play.  I hung out with my friend and we played two games.

Game one: In game one we had to guess the number of jelly   beans in the jar. After we did that we had to guess how many jelly  beans were  green.  This is because my school is a 'green' school.  This means that we take care of the environment and we have also as a school adopted a park that is nearby.   I guessed there were 100 jelly beans and 20 of them were green. I was way off!  The next day I found out that there must have been about 300 of them!

Game two:  This game was a type of bingo game that you had to play on your own.  There was a sheet made up like a bingo grid with questions written on then and you needed to go around the school and ask the different families the questions.  When you got a correct answer, you had to write their surname.  For example:  The question is 'Do you have a dog?'.  You choose a family and ask them that.  If they have a dog, you write that family's surname.  If they don't have a dog, you ask another family until you find one that has a dog.  This game was supposed to get people to talk to each other and get to know each other.  The next day I found out that there were two winners for the bingo game and it was me and my friend because we were the only ones who played ðŸ˜†.  Everyone must have been too busy eating!  I was very glad to get a gift card to Dairy Queen.

Usually for the bbq a man dressed up as Elvis comes to sing, but this year there was no Elvis.  Instead, our new music teacher played with his friend.  They are both part of a cool is music teacher plays and sings in a band!!!!!!!  I didn't know any of the songs that he was singing but it sounded good.

My mom was helping organize the bbq and I helped her clean up along with some other people.  We got to take the leftovers home!  The bbq was a lot of fun and there are going to be more events in the school year.


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