Sunday, 10 September 2017

My First Sleepover

On Friday, I had my first sleepover.  It started out as a play date but soon the plans changed because my friend and I hadn't seen each other all summer and we wanted to play for a longer time.

My school has early dismissal on Fridays, so as soon as the bell rang, we ran to our hooks and got our backpacks.  My friend's mom came to pick us up and when we got to her house, we played for about an hour and a half, and then had lunch.  We had grilled cheese sandwiches. After we ate, we went to a splash park that was nearby. At the splash park, we met some of our other friends from school. We splashed around for a bit and then went to the playground.

At the playground we went on the slides and did the monkey bars. The monkey bars were very high. It took me a while but I finally did it. We kept going back and forth between the splash park and the playground. On the swings at the playground my flip flops fell off and my friends were trying to get them back on my feet while I was swinging.😆 It was so funny.

Back at my friend's house, I met her cousin. She was also sleeping over. The three of us played in the backyard and on the trampoline until dinner. After we ate we watched the movie Frozen. When we finished we cleaned up and got ready for bed.  Of course, there was a lot of talking and laughing until we finally fell asleep.  We woke up early on Saturday and there was more talking and laughing until breakfast. We played on the trampoline some more but this time the sprinkler was on underneath us.

I had so much fun at the sleepover but I was really happy to see my mom when she picked me up.  I missed my family so much.  Now that I know I can stay away from home okay, I can't wait for my next sleepover.      

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