One day there were some little Sparks who went to the wrong barn. They were supposed to go to the red barn but they went to the grey barn instead.
Hi everyone! Sorry I did not post a blog in like a month but I was really busy with competitions, recitals and classes but now school is done and I can get back to my blogging. In my Language Arts class, we learnt about ways to get the reader's attention when writing a story. One of the ways, is to write an opening that will make the reader want to find out more. I started my story in the above paragraph. If I have your attention and you want to find out more, please continue to read my story, below.
On June 24th, I went on a sleepover at Heritage Park with my mom,sister and the Sparks unit that my mom leads. In case you are wondering, Sparks is the youngest level in Girl Guides. As I already said, we went to the wrong barn and had to drive all the way to the other barn. Once we got there, we met Brenna, who was in charge of the barn and was taking care of us. You should know that even though it was a barn, there were no animals inside, but bunk beds, a kitchen and a dining area. First we went and chose bunk beds and who you were sharing a bunk bed with. I was sharing a bunk bed with my sister. My sister was on the bottom and I was on top. My sister and I had already decided that we would be partners.
After we set up our sleeping bags and our pillows and all that jazz, we headed to the tables for dinner. There was Caesar salad, pizza, juice boxes, and brownies. After dinner, we had a fire drill and a short tour of the park. On our way back, we saw a deer and I was able to tell everyone that it was a white-tailed buck because I had learnt about them at school this year. When we got back to the barn, we went upstairs to do some activities.
There were many activities for us to do and we took turns at each station. There were old-fashioned toys for us to play with. There was no tv or internet in the old days so the kids had to play with only these toys. They also spent a lot of time outside. There was also a box of wooden log pieces and we had to build cabins using them. I learnt how to write in cursive handwriting using chalk and slates.
There was a craft station where we made paper fans and then we learnt that if girls held the fan in certain ways, they were speaking in code to the boys, at dances. Some of the things they were saying were "dance with me", "go away", and "you may kiss me" - yuck! We also learnt a dance and some of us were boys and some of us were girls. My sister and I were boys but her partner was a lot shorter than her and kept doing her own thing, so my sister kept looking at my mom with a confused face. Mom couldn't help because she was too busy laughing! The whole dance was really funny!
My favourite activity was making ice cream. We put all the ingredients into a churner with lots of ice and the whole time that we were doing the activities, the ice cream had to be churned so whoever was free did that. We knew that the ice cream was getting ready because it kept getting harder to turn the handle.
After the activities were done, we went back downstairs for a snack before bedtime. We ate popcorn and the ice cream that we had made. It was the best vanilla ice cream that I have ever eaten! After a quick story, we went to sleep. We were all very tired.
The next morning, we had to pack up our gear first and make sure that we did not forget anything. The bakery at Heritage Park made our breakfast and we got to eat fresh and hot pastries, muffins, and sausage rolls. There was also fruit, yogurt, and juice but the sausage rolls were my favourite. Before leaving the park, we had time for a scavenger hunt and we went around the town finding clues and answering questions.
It was a great sleepover, and we all had a lot of fun. I'm going back again in October and I can't wait!